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About the Codex

The design community often promotes the notion that Design can revolutionize the world, as if It possessed some noble essence, independently capable of generating positive impacts. “The power of Design” is what I often hear.…
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The end of the world has been a popular theme in literature, but have you considered the end of capitalism? Fredric Jameson argues that imagining a world without capitalism is harder than imagining the end…
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Complexity Blindness

Have you ever wondered why we seem stuck, unable to effectively address the wicked problems plaguing our world? Why do the dominant paradigms of capitalism and conservatism persist despite the growing threats of climate change,…
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Conservative Thinking

When designers, equipped with creativity and a commitment to social innovation, venture into arenas dominated by conservative power structures, they often find themselves walking a tightrope. On one side is a seemingly solid ground of…
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Critical vs Critical

In the realm of intellectual discourse and analysis, the term "critical thinking" often surfaces as an essential skill. At its core, critical thinking is the practice of processing information critically, engaging in reflective reasoning, and…
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Design is a multifaceted word that can be used as an adjective, noun, or verb. As an adjective, it describes something that has been intentionally created or planned to be aesthetically pleasing or functional. As…
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Design Thinking

Design Thinking can be defined as a human-centered approach to problem-solving and innovation that acknowledges the social and cultural dimensions of design. Design Thinking emphasizes empathy, collaboration, iteration, and prototyping as key principles for developing…
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Desirability, Feasibility and Viability

As scholars, practitioners, and students of design, we are likely familiar with the triadic framework of Design Thinking, which underscores desirability, feasibility, and viability as the key dimensions to consider when approaching a design problem.…
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In the academic community, there is an increasing awareness of the complexities and challenges associated with gaining global consensus and driving action to address climate change. International negotiations and climate agreements, such as the Paris…
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Alvin Toffler, in 1970 spoke of a phenomenon that would shake the very foundations of our existence: Future Shock. Toffler predicted that the pace of technological change would soon become so rapid that it would…
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From a social point of view, marketing is a process of creating and shaping social meanings and identities around products, services, and companies. In other words, marketing and branding are not just about promoting functional…
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Marxism is a socio-political and economic theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It provides a framework for analyzing and examining capitalist societies and advocating for social change. Marxism focuses on the analysis of…
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Mystification of Capitalism

From a critical perspective, mystification refers to a deliberate and systematic process employed within various social, economic, and ideological contexts to obscure or conceal the underlying power dynamics, contradictions, and inequalities inherent in a given…
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Neurocapitalist Design

In the contemporary capitalist landscape, designers play one of the most essential role in shaping the material conditions and the symbolic world we collectively inhabit. However, as creative agents operating within this economic context, designers…
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Pilars of Capitalism

As a teacher of design, foresight and sustainable business models, I understand the challenges of engaging students and stakeholders in critical discussions about capitalism. Many people have a limited understanding of capitalism and how it…
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In the Anthropocene epoch, a time marked by the significant influence of extractives, productivist and consumerist activity on the planet's ecosystems, a new cognitive phenomenon is surfacing, known as 'sense-jamming'. It is a consequence of…
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Sense-making is the process by which individuals and groups make meaning of their experiences to understand and interact with the world. It is a dynamic and contingent process shaped by social, cultural, and political contexts…
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Social Constructionism

Social constructionism is a sociological theory positing that significant aspects of our social reality, such as knowledge, truth, and identities, are not inherent or naturally occurring, but are instead constructed through social interactions and cultural…
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Social vs Societal

Fictional AI-illustration Definition Grasping the distinction between "social" and "societal" is essential for effective social innovation. While "social" focuses on individual interactions and community dynamics, "societal" encompasses the larger frameworks that shape these interactions. By…
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Solutionism is a term coined by the Belarusian-American political analyst and writer Evgeny Morozov to refer to a mindset or ideology that views technological solutions as the primary or sole means of addressing complex social,…
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Strategic Design

Strategic design is an interdisciplinary field that leverages the design framework to explore and discover strategic opportunities and challenges. It involves collaboration among multiple disciplines and stakeholder groups to navigate complex and uncertain environments. The…
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Strategic Foresight

Strategic foresight is the process of using analytical tools and methods to anticipate, analyze and assess potential opportunities and threats in order to develop strategies for the future. It is a proactive approach that involves…
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If originally, strategy was the art of generals planning for battle leveraging strength and cunning, today there are many angles and takes on the topic of strategy. But it is possible its general outline which…
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Surface vs Structures

When social sciences researchers emphasize the importance of delving beyond the surface of problems, they advocate for a deeper exploration of structural issues. This entails looking past the visible symptoms or immediate manifestations to understand…
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The Stack

In his work, Benjamin Bratton has developed the concept of "The Stack" as a way of understanding the layers of infrastructure that make up contemporary digital networks and systems. The stack refers to the various…
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Unpacking ideology

The term "ideology" often serves as a convenient shortcut for discussing a wide array of social beliefs and behaviors. While this simplification can be useful for quick discussions or generalizations, it also has its drawbacks.…
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Upstream Explorations

In strategic design, upstream explorations are the process of investigating, understanding and defining the broader context and systems within which a problem or opportunity exists, before moving to specific solution development. This concept originates from the…
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Wicked Problems

Marxist theory views wicked problems as a result of a capitalist system that perpetuates inequality and exploitation. These problems often arise from the unjust distribution of resources, the lack of access to basic necessities, and a…
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