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Version 6.1

Date: 06.02.25

  1. Refined the mobile navigation “Filter” to match the overall website visual style and to improve the overall UI coherence on mobile.

Version 6.0 “Kyosai”

Date: 06.08.2024

  1. Added a feature to have different color options for different customisable pages and posts (like this one or that one too).
  2. Changed the current png icons with SVG versions so that the icon colors can be changed as well.
  3. Added color options for the Off-canvas menu for mobile and tablet view.
  4. Added color options for the header search result popup.
  5. Updated categories page, category navigations of blog and galleries with more coherent UI elements

Version 5.6 “Park Royal”

Date: 29.06.2024

  1. Design the search bar of the search result page similar to the default search form.
  2. Fix the font size of the search bar for mobile devices the same as the size of the Whispers and Giants title.
  3. Change the current post date information adding the last changes date.
  4. Redesign and restructure the search result page like the item list view.

Version 5.5

Date: 24.03.2024

  1. Typography fine-tuning (Monospace)
  2. New home layout
  3. UX more focus on networking and engaging rather than acquisition
  4. New page structure, About, Approach, Expertise are new pages

Version 5.4 “Tulip”

Date: 22.01.2024

  1. 10 years of Salient‘s hacks turned into a child theme.
  2. Read more added to the blog.
  3. UI consistency tweaks across modules.

Version 5.3 “松の中の村”

Date: 09.01.2024

  1. I updated the navigation, removed the Codex and the System and added the Now page.
  2. I updated the Blog to integrate all publication in order to simplify navigation and discovery of updates.
  3. Fixed a loading issue on mobile.
  4. Added a Read more button to the Post-Grid component
  5. NB: I am aware of 2 MS Edge bugs in the Tags page and in the search result view.

Version 5.2 “Andøya”

Date: 14.12.2023

  1. Updated the theme of the site with a Winter “Andøya” feel.
  2. Fixed various navigation bugs in the blog and galleries on mobile
  3. Fixed the output and display of sub-categories related to main parent categories
  4. Categories and Tags are now separate pages
  5. Updated the brand with icons previously designed for V3.5 but never used
  6. Added a WhatsApp page
  7. New article on Machine Learning & Crafting Speculative Indigo Ethnographies
  8. New Critical Design category allows Codex articles to be featured in the blog.
  9. Added the missing Changelog link in the footer
  10. The Resilient Table is now a blog post, not a page anymore

Version 5.1.3

Date: 08.10.2023

  1. Added a list view to the Codex
  2. Changed the homepage with a large series of headings
  3. Fixed a Calendly bug and relinked it to Google calendar
  4. Fixed a CSS bug with the new Salient CSS
  5. Reorganised the homepage to support the newly published galleries

Version 5.1.2

Date: 21.07.2023

  1. Fixed a bug in the tags on mobile
  2. Added an all tag function and shortcode
  3. Added a Categories page
  4. Added a better 404 page
  5. Revised version of the blog main page

Version 5.1.1

Date: 01.07.2023

  1. Removed Google Analytics
  2. Updated to the new version of WP-Statistics, privacy-aware analytics
  3. Added a content archive page
  4. Improved Blog and Codex Explore more component to feature social links

Version 5.1

Date: 19.05.2023

  1. Additional sections: Codex and System. Codex contains 25 cards for key concepts and definitions
  2. Reorganised Galleries as Visual Archives
  3. New Home page and navigation
  4. New About page and presentation
  5. System elements prototypes: Rapid Calibration, Desk Research, Participant Recruitment and Future Scenarios
  6. New blog post: The myth of the selfish human + The intersection of AI and creativity: a new era for Generative Art
  7. Added new sub navigation for all WP Posts customised for Codex and System
  8. Added Terms of Service
  9. Link to my Reading List in the footer
  10. Published Resilient Table 2043, the episode 01 of a series on the future of food.
  11. Added the search function

Starting to log notes about releases here on the 18th of May 2023. Previous versions started on Readymag and moved to WordPress with Version 2.