Version 6.1
Date: 06.02.25
- Refined the mobile navigation “Filter” to match the overall website visual style and to improve the overall UI coherence on mobile.
Version 6.0 “Kyosai”
Date: 06.08.2024
- Added a feature to have different color options for different customisable pages and posts (like this one or that one too).
- Changed the current png icons with SVG versions so that the icon colors can be changed as well.
- Added color options for the Off-canvas menu for mobile and tablet view.
- Added color options for the header search result popup.
- Updated categories page, category navigations of blog and galleries with more coherent UI elements
Version 5.6 “Park Royal”
Date: 29.06.2024
- Design the search bar of the search result page similar to the default search form.
- Fix the font size of the search bar for mobile devices the same as the size of the Whispers and Giants title.
- Change the current post date information adding the last changes date.
- Redesign and restructure the search result page like the item list view.
Version 5.5
Date: 24.03.2024
- Typography fine-tuning (Monospace)
- New home layout
- UX more focus on networking and engaging rather than acquisition
- New page structure, About, Approach, Expertise are new pages
Version 5.4 “Tulip”
Date: 22.01.2024
- 10 years of Salient‘s hacks turned into a child theme.
- Read more added to the blog.
- UI consistency tweaks across modules.
Version 5.3 “松の中の村”
Date: 09.01.2024
- I updated the navigation, removed the Codex and the System and added the Now page.
- I updated the Blog to integrate all publication in order to simplify navigation and discovery of updates.
- Fixed a loading issue on mobile.
- Added a Read more button to the Post-Grid component
- NB: I am aware of 2 MS Edge bugs in the Tags page and in the search result view.
Version 5.2 “Andøya”
Date: 14.12.2023
- Updated the theme of the site with a Winter “Andøya” feel.
- Fixed various navigation bugs in the blog and galleries on mobile
- Fixed the output and display of sub-categories related to main parent categories
- Categories and Tags are now separate pages
- Updated the brand with icons previously designed for V3.5 but never used
- Added a WhatsApp page
- New article on Machine Learning & Crafting Speculative Indigo Ethnographies
- New Critical Design category allows Codex articles to be featured in the blog.
- Added the missing Changelog link in the footer
- The Resilient Table is now a blog post, not a page anymore
Version 5.1.3
Date: 08.10.2023
- Added a list view to the Codex
- Changed the homepage with a large series of headings
- Fixed a Calendly bug and relinked it to Google calendar
- Fixed a CSS bug with the new Salient CSS
- Reorganised the homepage to support the newly published galleries
Version 5.1.2
Date: 21.07.2023
- Fixed a bug in the tags on mobile
- Added an all tag function and shortcode
- Added a Categories page
- Added a better 404 page
- Revised version of the blog main page
Version 5.1.1
Date: 01.07.2023
- Removed Google Analytics
- Updated to the new version of WP-Statistics, privacy-aware analytics
- Added a content archive page
- Improved Blog and Codex Explore more component to feature social links
Version 5.1
Date: 19.05.2023
- Additional sections: Codex and System. Codex contains 25 cards for key concepts and definitions
- Reorganised Galleries as Visual Archives
- New Home page and navigation
- New About page and presentation
- System elements prototypes: Rapid Calibration, Desk Research, Participant Recruitment and Future Scenarios
- New blog post: The myth of the selfish human + The intersection of AI and creativity: a new era for Generative Art
- Added new sub navigation for all WP Posts customised for Codex and System
- Added Terms of Service
- Link to my Reading List in the footer
- Published Resilient Table 2043, the episode 01 of a series on the future of food.
- Added the search function
Starting to log notes about releases here on the 18th of May 2023. Previous versions started on Readymag and moved to WordPress with Version 2.