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— A strategic Design System

The Wangjitsu Strategic Design System is designed to be a future-oriented approach to innovation and design research, allowing teams to quickly identify opportunities and imagine solutions. Additionally, the system is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different contexts and industries, allowing space for improvisation and customisation.

The framework is my systematic approach to innovation and design research. It is how I have answered design research and critical design challenges for more than a decade. Of course, it has evolved and will continue to change, but this is the backbone of my consultancy and how I provide exploration, imagination and orientation to my customers.

The System relies on 3 types of processes or elements:

  1. Research: The research stage involves the collection and analysis of data from different sources to identify the key stakeholders, recalibrate, listen to systems, weak signals and trends. This helps to frame and reframe challenges.
  2. Exploration: The exploration stage involves exploring the insights generated in the research stage to generate ideas, concepts and solutions. This is done through speculative prototyping, developing design principles, creative direction and narratives.
  3. Delivery: The delivery stage consists of taking the ideas and solutions generated in the exploration stage and collaboratively turning them into tangible opportunities. This includes prototyping, testing, learning and iteration.

Sales: In a later stage, I plan to grow a fourth category for the sale of such discovery services.

This is an ongoing process of gathering and sharing part of the backstage of my strategic design consultancy work