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Discovery Research
Futur Residence
Innovation Catalyst
AI and Imagination

Pascal Wicht
Exploring and creating preferable futures trajectories

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Hello! I’m Pascal Wicht. I work as a strategic designer at the intersection of future explorations and field research, often for social innovation projects.

Today, I help people and organisations navigate towards preferable futures for their organisation and adapt to a world of growing problems that don’t go away.

Welcome to Whispers & Giants, my consultancy where I share my unlearning journey, through critical theory and design. My slow-motion blog is here. I am writing a Codex to help designers drive more impact. I am also documenting my strategic design system Wangjitsu. You can see my explorations with Ai and images over here.

You can connect with me using my contact page form, by scheduling a call or following me on social media.

This speculative and generative experiment explores a future scenario of a society that has relocalized and is regenerating most of its food systems, drawing from a blend of traditional practices and cutting-edge innovations.

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Through the lens: capturing field research. Photography while doing ethnographic and strategic research from 2015 to present.

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A critical visual exploration into the future of post-Holocene preferable habitats, at the 2054 Horizon.

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When social sciences researchers talk about reaching beyond the surface of problems to uncover deeper structural issues, they emphasize the need to go beyond the visible symptoms or immediate manifestations of a problem.

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For ecologically safe and socially just futures

A project by Pascal Wicht
2018 – 2024

Join the glitch you wish to see in the world.